"The world is illusory. Create your own illusion and it will become reality"

Magician, Necromancer, Demonologist, Adept of the Elements of Death and Infernal Rings.

He participated in the television projects "The Battle of psychics" (2015), "The Last Hero" (2019) and "Psychics. Revenge" (2024).

Author of the books "Magical educational program. About Magic on Fingers" and "The Summoner's Book. A textbook on demonology."

Grand Master of the Union of magicians, occultists and esotericists "Ordo Caput Mortuum" ("Order of the Death's Head").

Based on innate data and fragments of memory from previous incarnations in this world, Namtar Enzigal began studying magic from an early age, drawing information from all kinds of sources, from ordinary libraries to closed Internet resources, in order to systematize and expand his knowledge.

He has been perfecting her magic art since 2003.

He completed a course of study in the Order of Guardians of Death (2005-2006), having received the status of an Adept, but then left the Order, preferring individual practice (from 2006 to the present). At the moment, there is no relationship with current OGD adepts.

Namtar Enzigal is the author of a number of research articles on Magic and a course in Demonology, the lead author of the Namtarism network project (2011-2012), and one of the co-authors of the Last Side project (2012-2013).

He became widely known for his participation in television projects on TNT and TV-3 channels.

In February 2020 Namtar published two books at once: a textbook on demonology, The Book of the Summoner, and a collection of articles on magic, The Magical Educational Program, which includes the author's theoretical and practical achievements accumulated during his magical activities.

Currently, he conducts individual practice in Rostov-on-Don, as well as conducts seminars and consultations in the regions of the Russian Federation. In addition to individual practice, Namtar Enzigal is the founder, coordinator and head of the Ordo Caput Mortuum ("Order of the Death's Head") union of magicians, occultists and esotericists, which has representative offices in several cities of the Russian Federation and abroad.

► Conducting personal receptions and consultations in the field of extrasensory perception, esotericism and occultism:

• Diagnosis of the causes of problems and their elimination;
• Solving interpersonal issues;
• The impact on the mental and physical condition of the object in the photo;
• Blocking and removing third-party influences;
• Interaction with non-physical objects and entities, mediumistic practices, invocation and evocation practices;
• Work with the primary energies of both the created world (the six Elements and the channels of the Major Arcana) and the unmanifested (the Lower Worlds, the Abyss, Chaos);
• Dealing with situations and time probabilities - creating the most favorable environment for solving your question (applies to all spheres of life);

► Creation of artifacts (amulets, talismans) that change reality in the area of action.

► Distance teaching of magic and necromancy.

► Conducting webinars and seminars in the regions.


Personal consultations in Rostov-on-Don are held regularly, with the exception of days of events in other cities.

Departure to the region and the nearest regions is possible by prior agreement.

► Diagnostics of personality, relationships, causal relationships, the presence of magical influences, etc.;
► Ritual practice on issues of personal development, business, finance, relationships, protection from other people's influences and taking counter-measures (attacking rituals against an opponent), starting with banal love spells and ending with transactions for the right to possess a soul.
► Manufacture of amulets for the above-mentioned spheres of life;
► Manufacture of magical paraphernalia for independent work;
► Work on energy stabilization of people and premises (cleaning);
► Money magic: business promotion and maintenance, elimination of competitors, protection from outside influences;
► Love magic: all kinds of effects;
► Spoilage work: application, removal;
► Binding of an entity (deceased, demon, etc.) to solve problematic issues;
► Working with entities (deceased, demons, sub-settlements, etc.), including exorcism;
► Photo work. ​

Pre-registration by phone: +7 999 696 3 666 or via e-mail:

In order to save time, please note that Namtar Enzigal:

► DOES NOT practice healing. Assistance in this case is possible only in cases where the disease was caused by outside magical intervention, and then work is possible only in conjunction with medical help. But in order to determine this, you need at least a diagnosis (in person or, in exceptional cases, by photo).
► DOES NOT search for missing people, animals, or even objects. There are law enforcement agencies for this purpose. At most, you can try to determine the current state of a person, and this is done only by contacting the relatives of the missing person.
► DOES NOT work for free or on loan. There are charities and credit organizations for this purpose.

All consultations are conducted only through a face-to-face meeting, or in exceptional cases (if you cannot come in person, and the consultation itself does not require mandatory attendance) remotely in text format (by e-mail).

Current cost:
• Personal consultation ranges from 550 $ / 500 € per session up to 1 hour,
• Remote (in text format) - from 330 $ / 300 €.

Ritual trips are carried out regularly, mainly on the full moon and key days of the solar cycle (solstices and equinoxes). Both personal presence and remote work are possible. When contacting, it should be borne in mind that before carrying out any ritual, it is necessary to carry out a diagnosis, according to the results of which the possibility (or impossibility) of further work on your issue and its cost are already agreed.
Candidates for distance learning in Magic are selected regularly.

The Ordo Caput Mortuum School of Magic, led by Namtar Enzigal, is not an educational institution in the traditional sense of the word, it is a training center dedicated to the study of modern psychology, the development and management of human inner and psychic energy, occult knowledge of the past and present. We offer you materials based on the author's extensive knowledge and personal experience.

The training program organically combines ancient knowledge and modern magical technologies, which makes it relevant even in our age of rapidly developing society. ​

Each student receives a weekly lesson containing a guide to practical exercises and theory. The training program consists of three basic courses aimed at developing basic magical skills without diving into any one area, as well as an additional one designed specifically for those who want to study Necromancy. ​

Teaching magic to anyone is possible and really feasible.

Candidates are currently being recruited for 2 different programs (in Russian and English): ​

- Group training on the course of 40 lessons of magic.

​- Individual training in an advanced course of high magic and necromancy.
The first program is designed for learning from scratch, the second is for those who already have some knowledge and experience in the field of magic and esotericism, as well as for beginners, but those who are ready to "give their best."

Group course 40 lessons of magic

► The first course (10 lessons) is designed to understand general terminology, familiarize with theoretical issues of Magic, and master the fundamental principles. The course is designed for students to learn general terminology, understand the theory of magical operations, and familiarize themselves with models of the surrounding reality used in Magic. In the first course, basic skills such as concentration and stopping internal dialogue are practiced. ​

► The second course (10 lessons) includes the practice of forming psychological attitudes, lifestyle, and changing (transforming) one's own body for successful Magic practice. This course is entirely aimed at making students transform, which is realized on the Astral Plane and projected onto the physical plane in the form of certain changes. In the second year, various methods of Astral Projection are considered, and the skills of their application are practiced. So far, simple, but already quite magical tasks are being solved. ​

► The third course (10 lessons) includes techniques for developing a number of necessary abilities for a Magician, and obtaining certain properties of consciousness. Their range is quite wide - from elementary psychic abilities to healing and methods of working with the life force. It provides practices for working with frames and pendulums, practices for obtaining true Names, practices for making magical volts, creating amulets and talismans, and discusses ways to gain allies in Magic.

These three courses are basic. After that, the student can leave School or choose to continue studying Death Magic. ​

► The Necromancy course (10 lessons) is a portal to the Element of Death. Here, students gain the basics of Necromancy Knowledge, and are given entrances to Necromancy by the Elements. Students create magical artifacts and Power items for certain Elements themselves. Interesting areas of the space of the Elements are considered, and practices of movement through the Elements are being worked out. This course performs the traditional Necromancer qualification job of creating a Death Wand. At the end of the course, a final exam is held. ​

The tuition fee for this program is 440 $ / 400 € for 10 weeks. ​​

Advanced individual training course ​

An additional program on in-depth study of Death Magic has been written especially for graduates of the first 4 courses and those who know the value of their time. This course lasts for 19 months and consists of 19 lectures, including theory and practical exercises on the development of magical abilities. ​

Lesson 1 - Attunement to Ancestral Rings, interaction through VouDoo and cemetery, Angel of Death.
Lesson 2 - control of elements and objects through meditative practices, fundamentals of healing, OS.
Lesson 3 - worlds of Death, interaction through the personal Angel of Death, psi-leveling, the body of the Beast.
Lesson 4 - "lifting" the cemetery, taking power.
Lesson 5 - The World of the Abyss, the Feast of the Ancestors, repose through the "body of the comforter", the necro-code.
Lesson 6 - reflected worlds, mirror magic, projection into the world of Lucifer.
Lesson 7 - shadow effects, leveling your own shadow body, stalking.
Lesson 8 - leveling the Beast's body.
Lesson 9 - revealing the nature of Lucifer, lunar practices.
Lesson 10 - awakening and pumping of inner energy, contours of dreaming.
Lesson 11 - the power of mortal thought.
Lesson 12 - denouements of fate, turning points, correction of the future.
Lesson 13 - modeling dreams, projecting events onto the physical plane, traveling to the Infernal worlds and the worlds of Death.
Lesson 14 - methods of sexual control through the body of a Beast, an introduction to working with anti-worlds.
Lesson 15 - managing turning points, the nature of fear, mirror magic, portals to Inferno.
Lesson 16 - manifestations of Lucifer's energy and its properties, creation of the essence of the guide.
Lesson 17 - the third eye, the channel of knowledge transmission, the energy of the Moon, the energy of Sirius.
Lesson 18 - activation of the body's capabilities, energy cleansing, installation of protection, dedication.
Lesson 19 - healing techniques, further development of vision. ​

The training under this program is structured as follows: ​

- On the 1st of each month, classes are sent out.
- On the 7th, we will receive your questions and answers.
- The remaining time is to study the practices and your answers to the tasks.

If you have any additional questions or problems in mastering the material, you will receive an individual approach and assistance in solving them. ​

The tuition fee for this program is 550 $ / 500 € per month. ​

Applications for training and questions about it are accepted by e-mail

Do not forget to indicate in the letter the program you wish to study in.
"The Summoner's Book. Textbook on demonology"

The result of many years of work writing articles about working with the demons of Goetia. It fully includes all articles previously published on the Dzen channel, as well as practical tips and summoning techniques that have not been published anywhere before (I only gave this material at a webinar on demonology).

This is the first full-fledged textbook on demonology, containing the most detailed information about demons and how to interact with them. ​

The cost is 11 $ / 10 €

Upon purchase, you will receive 3 files: PDF, ePub and FB2. ​

You can purchase it by e-mail or through the feedback form in the "Contacts" section.
"Magical educational program. About magic "on the fingers"

A collection of 100 selected articles on the general theory of magic, its history and key points necessary for understanding magical processes.

Regular subscribers are unlikely to find anything new in this collection, as all the material in the collection is already available on the Dzen channel.

The book has been compiled exclusively for those who prefer to store the material in their gadget rather than search for what they need on the Internet. ​

The cost is 7.7 $ / 7 €

Upon purchase, you will receive 3 files exactly the same as with the previous option: PDF, ePub and FB2. ​

You can purchase it by e-mail or through the feedback form in the "Contacts" section.
At the moment, only books in Russian are available! Both books are distributed in print format by the AST publishing house.
On January 19, 2020, a webinar was held, at which the veil of mystery about the true nature of creatures living outside our familiar physical reality was lifted. And also about how you can interact with them, gaining knowledge about the world order and receiving help in urgent matters.

​- Who are demons and where did they come from? The history of demonology as a science.
- Is it possible to sell a soul? Truth and fiction about dealing with devils.
- Why is a bad demonologist a dead demonologist? Safety precautions.
- How is conscription carried out? Fundamentals of practical demonology.
- Who should I call and when? How to choose the "right" demon and the time of its summoning.
- How to fulfill your most cherished desires? The subtleties of contractual work.
- How can it end? Examples of successful and unsuccessful practices. ​

You can learn about all this and much more on the recording of the webinar broadcast at the webinar "Demonology. Theory and practice". ​

The cost of a video recording of the webinar and a PDF file with the lecture text and supporting materials is 66 $ / 60 €.
An online webinar on "Necromancy - working with spirits" was held on July 13, 2019.

​In this webinar, the key points that you need to know about Death Magic were touched upon, and practical aspects were revealed, namely:

​- What is necromancy?
- Types of interaction with the dead
- Safety precautions
- Troublesome burials
- Necromancer's attributes
- Receiving information from the spirits
- Brocade work
- Removal of necroprotections
- Influence on events and processes
- Angel of Death - guardian angel ​

The cost of the video recording of the webinar is 55 $ / 50 €.
You can purchase video recordings of webinars and related materials by e-mail or through the feedback form. All materials are in Russian only!
Money Head amulets.

Skulls made of natural stone are charged with attracting finances and improving the well-being of their owner.

Price for 1 piece: 220 $ / 200 €

E-mail for the order:

Attach a photo of the future owner of the amulet to the letter.
Scorpio amulets for aggressive defense are for those who are tired of magical attacks.

Scorpio is not only a chitinous armor that protects its owner, but also a venomous sting, ready to punish any ill-wishers.

Price for 1 piece: 220 $ / 200 €

E-mail for the order:

Attach a photo of the future owner of the amulet to the letter.
The Sherl support amulet.

It is made of black tourmaline, which has long been used in magic as a "grounding agent" of negativity during energy cleansing.

Price for 1 piece: 220 $ / 200 €

E-mail for the order:

Attach a photo of the future owner of the amulet to the letter.
The Death Grip Prayer Beads

In magic, they are used to capture and bind summoned spirits.

The material is polymer resin, the size of the small beads is 1.2-1.5mm

Price: 220 $ / 200 €

E-mail for the order:
The skull is made of rock crystal.

For calling and binding entities.
It is used in working with the shadows of the dead and in working with demonic channels.

Dimensions: ~60x45x45 m.

Price: 330 $ / 300 €

E-mail for the order:
Sets of candles with built-in programs for magical effects.

► Green - to solve financial issues.
► Red - for working on relationships.
► Yellow - for energy cleansing.
► Black - for working with the dead. ​

Set price (7 pcs.): 110 $ / 100 €

E-mail for the order:
Custom-made runic amulets.

The photo shows only examples. Each amulet is made individually, and the runic formula/bet is selected based on your needs.

Price for 1 piece: 220 $ / 200 €

E-mail for the order:

In the letter, describe your wishes in detail and attach a photo of the future owner of the amulet.
The shipping cost for all items is calculated additionally.
We offer you a selection of publications in the media with interviews and comments by Namtar (in Russian).

21.09.2015: - The black magician from Rostov took place in the 16th season of the "Battle of psychics"
01.10.2015: - A resident of Rostov in the "Battle of psychics": magic comes from childhood
13.11.2015: - Namtar Enzigal: I had never hanged people before the project.
28.11.2015: - A resident of Rostov in the "Battle of psychics": how to defeat competitors?
13.12.2015: - Rostov resident Namtar Enzigal left the "Battle of psychics"
14.12.2015: - A resident of Rostov did not qualify for the final of the show "Battle of psychics"
29.12.2015: - Namtar Enzigal from the "Battle of psychics-16" predicted the stability of the ruble
25.03.2016: - Namtar Enzigal: "It's like there's a pressing lead plate over Perm"
25.03.2016: - Namtar Enzigal from the "Battle of psychics-16": If you get sick, you should run to the doctor, not to the healers. Audio recording (fragment):
28.03.2016: - Namtar Enzigal: "Girls go for love spells, but I often refuse"
08.06.2016: - Shock! Namtar Enzigal, a participant in the "Battle of Psychics", about the mysterious picture of Novocherkassk: "There is a ghost in the photo"
​09.06.2016: - Video report: I spent the day with Namtar Enzigal, a participant in the "Battle of Psychics".
​17.06.2016: - Actor Andrei Sokolov was "buried" near Gukovo.
01.07.2016: - Namtar Enzigal: the elements should have been expected. Rostov psychic commented on the hurricane downpour
​05.07.2016: - Namtar Enzigal, a participant in the "Battle of Psychics", about the construction of a seven-storey building at the entrance to Shakhty Park: "Residents may meet a "hungry spirit"
​12.08.2016: - The Damn Dozen: 13 questions for the star of the "Battle of the Psychics" on the Ferris Wheel
​25.08.2016: - Rostov participant in the Battle of Psychics denied accusations of fraud against the TV show
29.08.2016: - Learn magic overnight! - report on the "Mystical Night" event
07.09.2016: - Shock! Namtar Enzigal, participant of the "Battle of psychics", on the anomaly of the "Road of Death" "Center-Artyom": "Hungry spirits provoke accidents" (INTERACTIVE MAP)
26.10.2016: - Rostov the mystical: which places should be avoided
​31.10.2016: - Halloween: Carving a pumpkin with a demonologist magician
​12.01.2017: - Why do residents of Rostov call their children that way?
12.05.2017: , , - "Battle of the Psychics" star Namtar Enzigal denies fraud charges
14.05.2017: - The finalist of the "Battle of psychics" Namtar Enzigal spoke about cheating on the project
24.05.2017: - Hegai, Raydos and other clairvoyants spoke out about quackery at the "Battle of Psychics"
13.06.2017: - Namtar Enzigal on traffic jams and driving behavior
​05.09.2017: - Rostov magician supported the project of building a center for homeless animals
​12.10.2017: - What will the Rostov winter be like: forecasts of weather forecasters and a psychic
​04.11.2017: - How to clear the aura at home? Experts advise
​05.12.2017: - Psychics are predicted to work for free
21.02.2018: - Namtar Enzigal is preparing a lawsuit against the winner of the "Battle of psychics" Julia Wang
21.02.2018: - The battle of psychics: a magician from Rostov-on-Don accused Julia Wang of plagiarism
22.02.2018: - The participant of the "Battle of psychics" is ready to sue the winner of the show Julia Wang
​22.02.2018: - Rostov magician accused the winner of the "Battle of psychics" of plagiarism
​24.02.2018: - Namtar Enzigal, a participant in the "Battle of Psychics," criticized the "Stars under Hypnosis" show
07.03.2018: Posthumous Tea Party - Interview with Namtar Enzigal
​07.03.2018: - A black magician from Rostov-on-Don cursed a hacker on a social network
​10.05.2018: - A tragedy predicted by a psychic
​24.05.2018: - "The photo smelled of death": a magician from Rostov said he had helped find a boy who had disappeared on the other side of Russia
​29.10.2018: - The battle of psychics: the black magician brought back the dog with a pierced skull from the other world
​09.11.2018: - Drivers see the ghost of a construction worker on the Rostov-Taganrog highway
24.12.2018: - A psychic from Rostov-on-Don will take part in the relaunch of the show "The Last Hero"
​25.12.2018: - Sorcerers vs actors: a psychic from Rostov will take part in the TV show "The Last Hero"
​26.12.2018: - Namtar Enzigal, the semifinalist of the 16th season of The Battle of the Psychics, became a participant in the relaunch of the Last Hero show
​07.01.2019: - "There were prerequisites": demonologist Namtar Enzigal on the death of Daria Voskoboeva
​15.01.2019: - "Healthy competition": who opens a Masonic lodge in Rostov and why
​18.01.2019: - Basta, the Dibrov family, Namtar Enzigal: Rostov stars showed how they looked 10 years ago
​01.03.2019: - "No superpowers - everyone thinks about food": psychics fight with actors in the new "Last Hero"
​01.03.2019: - Namtar Enzigal: about the filming of the new season of the show "The Last Hero"
​02.03.2019: - When a burger is worth its weight in gold: what the participants of the "Last Hero" on the island dream about
​05.03.2019: - Rostov resident got a tattoo in honor of his participation in the show "The Last Hero"
​18.03.2019: - Participant of the "Last Hero" about the "curse" of the TV show: "Stop trying to suck out the mystique"
​04.07.2019: - Rostov magician scared his students with a revived corpse in the cemetery
​25.09.2019: - "Not beaten, not painted": participant of the "Battle of psychics" found a skull for Tolkalina
​09.12.2019: - Namtar Enzigal, a participant in the "Battle of Psychics", is being blackmailed by scammers
​11.02.2020: - Namtar Enzigal, the star of the first season of The Last Hero, said that he sympathizes with the audience team in the continuation of the show
​14.01.2021: - A series of deaths of Chekhov Moscow Art Theater artists
​22.09.2020: - Construction of the "necromancer" kindergarten in the Rostov region will continue, despite the graves found on the construction site
​13.04.2021: - Why are people attracted to abandonment
01.09.2021: - A participant in the "Battle of Psychics" told about working with an occultist from Rostov who killed herself and her daughter
02.09.2021: - A witch and her one-year-old daughter were found dead in an apartment: Namtar Enzigal from the "Battle of psychics" explained the ritual death
​02.09.2021: - "Mental problems": a psychic told about an occultist from Rostov who killed herself and her daughter
​02.09.2021: - Necromancer magician named possible reasons for ritual suicide of a woman in Rostov
​19.11.2021: - "Most of the orders go to Germany, France, the USA and Canada"
​13.01.2022: - Why is Rostov so fond of fortune-telling on dumplings? The culturologist and the magician answer
​17.02.2022: - The Black Pool of Magic: how esotericism turns people into murderers
​30.03.2022: - Namtar Enzigal, a participant in the Battle of Psychics, creates authentic armor for historical medieval battles
​25.06.2022: - Poltergeist or shadow play? How to explain the frightening footage from the baby monitor
01.08.2023: - "The efficiency of the ritual is almost zero." In Bataysk, gypsies held a curse ceremony for the residents of a high-rise building. A participant's comment on the "Battle of Psychics"
01.08.2023: - The Rostov magician told whether the gypsy curse ceremony is dangerous for bataichans
24.08.2023: - "Closely related to death." The psychics answered whether Evgeny Prigozhin was alive or dead.
20.09.2023: - How to develop clairvoyance — powerful exercises for revealing the gift
31.10.2023: - From the past to the future: participants of previous seasons of the legendary reality show "The Last Hero" about how the project changed their lives and what the new "tribes" need to know
22.11.2023: - An uncertain future: what status can magicians and astrologers get?
19.12.2023: - Worse comes next: the magician from the "Battle of Psychics" revealed whether Natalia Shturm is really cursed
29.12.2023: - Demonologist Enzigal taught Petersburgers how to make safe wishes
01.03.2024: - The ancestral curse: how does it work and can it be countered?
24.04.2024: - "A way to squeeze funds from the state budget": why do security forces turn to magicians
02.05.2024: - Demonologist Namtar Enzigal told us what can and cannot be put in the coffin of the deceased
29.08.2024: Россия 24 - Vesti with Alexey Kazakov: Ukrainian witches shoot tick tock in cemeteries
02.10.2024: - A demonologist from Rostov called the historical center and the embankment of the city a place of power
16.11.2024: - We are getting closer to the final. A magician from Rostov will be looking for a scammer in the new edition of the show about psychics
05.12.2024: - Magical rituals and simple psychology: how to make a colleague fall in love with you at a corporate party
23.02.2025: - "Health is wasting away": what is predicted to the host of the "Battle of psychics" Basharov
Phone number: +7 999 696 3 666 (11:00-20:00, +3GMT)
All rights reserved © 2015-2024